Sunday, February 12, 2017

Jumping into Your Weekend

Today we're going to talk about the New York Sports Club's Jump Rope Interval class, yep that's right jump rope. That said, we're here to dispel some misconceptions about this class. it is not a class where you go to just jump rope for 45 minutes. The class is filled with varieties of exercises, from kettle bell swing to farmer's walk (carrying two heavy dumbbell walking across the length of the studio, 4 times). The idea of this class is to fill the gaps between these different exercises with jump rope, which is a great way to keep your heartbeat up and the calories burning.

We personally really enjoy the jump rope aspect of the class and it has transformed our warm-up routine. Often, we ignore the warm-up or cardio mainly because warm-up and cardio can be tedious, chore-like. We're confident that you'll really enjoy adding jump rope into your repertoire of warm up/cardio to shake things up.

Before we jump into the ratings, we would just like to give a shout out to the instructor - Anwar Hafeez. She's the real deal, not only she has a great personality, but also does a great job of correcting our movements if needed.

Alright, rating time:

Motivation (4) - As mentioned before, Anwar is a great instructor and motivator. The music is good with a wide variety options. Something about the constant flow of the class also helps you to keep going.

Amenities (3) - The class take place in one of the studios inside of New York Sports Club and as you may have already suspected, there are no additional amenities. It does not have the most advanced equipments and glamorous locker room, but it's definitely sufficient. One of the advantages of going to this class is the size of the locker room, you won't feel bombarded or cramped as you may with some of the other boutique fitness gyms.

Intensity (3.5) - To be fair, this is not the most intense class you'll take. It is relatively "participant-friendly"; based on your fitness level, you can adjust the exercise and the weights you use. Most of the exercises aren't very difficult, though there are couple core-strengthening movements could be challenging (i.e. the Scorpion)

Overall (3.5) - Definitely a great class to take if you want to do something a little bit different. Especially if you factor into how much you pay, $15 (free if you're already a member of the New York Sports Club) vs. $35 you'll pay for other boutique workout classes in the city.

Class Location:
New York Sports Club
128 8th Ave. New York, NY10011


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